
Disbursements are in addition to legal fees- not included.

Where a rate increase occurs during the conduct of a matter, the specific job that we are doing continues to be conducted at the rate agreed to when the matter started.  This rate will be reflected in your retainer agreement.  New matters/jobs that clients retain us for following a price increase are charged at updated rates.

We believe transparency in pricing is an important value.  If you have any questions about the information on this page, please reach out to us.

Regular Hourly Rates:

Premium Hourly Rates (applicable to unscheduled drop-in demanding immediate service, requests for after-hours appointments and requests for after-hours work):  

In some cases, clients will attempt unscheduled drop-ins to request immediate service, request that staff meet with them after hours, or request that staff complete work on their files during hours they are not scheduled to work.  We cannot always guarantee availability to meet such requests; however, where the applicable staff member agrees and the client agrees, the work will be completed at a “Premium Hourly Rate”.  The amount of this rate is the regular hourly rate of the applicable staff member plus an additional $100.00 hourly.

For more information on the “Premium Hourly Rate,” please see the “Frequently Asked Questions” section below.

Other Fees:   




See the “Frequently Asked Questions” section below for an explanation as to why we can’t quote a retainer without having done an initial consult with a client.


Initial consults are charged at one hour of the applicable lawyer’s “Regular Hourly Rate.”  Appointments are limited to one hour.  However, if more time is required and the lawyer is available, the client may pay for any additional time beyond the one hour at the applicable lawyer’s “Regular Hourly Rate.”

If the client wishes to communicate with the lawyer following the consult to obtain further advice or clarification, they will be charged at the applicable lawyer’s “Regular Hourly Rate.”


Appointments for independent legal advice (ILA) are charged at one hour of the applicable lawyer’s “Regular Hourly Rate.”  Appointments are limited to one hour.  However, if more time is required and the lawyer is available, the client may pay for any additional time beyond the one hour at the applicable lawyer’s “Regular Hourly Rate.”


Contested family law proceedings are charged at our Regular Hourly Rate (or at our premium hourly rate if applicable).  A proceeding has become “contested” when the party who has been served with a pleading files a response or a defence with the court.


For an uncontested divorce proceeding that does not deal with parenting issues, support issues, or division of property and debt, we charge a flat fee of $1,200.00, which does include:  the initial consult, drafting of documents based on the instructions given in the initial consult, meeting with the client to review and execute the documents, and communication with the courts.  This flat fee does not include the initial consultation, court appearances, additional communication with clients or third parties beyond that described as included above, redrafting documents to reflect new instructions, no show fees, late fees, disbursements, or HST, all of which will be charged in addition to this flat fee.  Where a staff member’s time is charged in addition to this flat fee, it is charged at their regular Hourly Rate.

For an uncontested divorce proceeding that does deal with parenting or support issues, but which does not require a consent order, we charge a flat fee of $1,750.00, which does include:  the initial consult, drafting of documents based on the instructions given in the initial consult, meeting with the client to review and execute the documents, and communication with the courts.  This flat fee does not include the initial consultation, court appearances, additional communication with clients or third parties beyond that described as included above, redrafting documents to reflect new instructions, no show fees, late fees, disbursements, or HST, all of which will be charged in addition to this flat fee.  Where a staff member’s time is charged in addition to this flat fee, it is charged at their regular Hourly Rate.

For an uncontested divorce proceeding that deals with parenting or support issues, or property/debt issues such that a consent order is required, we charge a flat fee of $2,300.00, which does include:  the initial consult, drafting of documents based on the instructions given in the initial consult, meeting with the client to review and execute the documents, and communication with the courts.  This flat fee does not include the initial consultation, court appearances, additional communication with clients or third parties beyond that described as included above, redrafting documents to reflect new instructions, no show fees, late fees, disbursements, or HST, all of which will be charged in addition to this flat fee.  Where a staff member’s time is charged in addition to this flat fee, it is charged at their regular Hourly Rate.

If an expected uncontested divorce proceeding becomes “contested,” or if the proceeding requires disclosure or cooperation of the other party who does not immediately provide it, the proceeding will be charged at the rate of a “contested” proceeding.


The fee for the drafting of a Domestic Contract will range from $1,750.00 to $3,000.00 depending on the scope of work required.  The amount of this fee will be agreed to in advance before the lawyer drafts the Agreement.  This fee will be charged once the Agreement is drafted, regardless of whether the other party agrees to sign.  Therefore, we strongly recommend that before giving a lawyer instructions to draft an Agreement, clients should actually have a conversation with the other party to determine whether they actually agree to the terms the client instructs the lawyer to draft.  This fee does include:  the drafting in accordance with the client’s direction from the initial consultation, limited revisions going to grammar, and meeting with the client to provide independent legal advice and execute the document.  This fee does not include:  the initial consultation, negotiations with the other side, communications with the client outside of those described as included in this fee, or revisions to the Agreement that alter the content based upon new instructions from the client, no show fees, late fees, disbursements, or HST.




A Last Will & Testament for an individual that does not include special provisions for the creation of a trust is charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $525.00 plus HST.

For a testator who requires special provisions for the creation of a trust, the time spent to create those trust provisions shall be billed, in addition to the above-noted fees, at the applicable Regular Hourly Rate.


Mirrored Last Will & Testaments that do not include special provisions for the creation of a trust are charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $925.00 plus HST.

To qualify for mirror pricing, the Last Wills and Testaments must truly reflect each other.  The same arrangements will be made in both documents for executors, gifts, guardians, and trust clauses.  Where each Testator requires different arrangements for executors, gifts, guardians, or trust clauses, they do not qualify for mirror pricing and will be charged for individual Last Wills & Testaments.

For testators who require special provisions for the creation of a trust, the time spent to create those trust provisions shall be billed, in addition to the above-noted fees, at the applicable Regular Hourly Rate.


A Power of Attorney for an individual is charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $475.00 plus HST.


Mirrored Powers of Attorney are charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $775.00 plus HST.

To qualify for mirror pricing, the Powers of Attorney must truly reflect each other.  The same arrangements will be made in both documents for type of power of attorney, appointment of attorneys, appointment of monitors, and powers given to attorneys.


A bundle package where an individual purchases both a Last Will and Testament and a Power of Attorney at the same time is charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $825.00 plus HST.  This is a savings of $175.00 plus HST over purchasing the products separately.

To qualify for this pricing, the testator cannot include special provisions for the creation of a trust in the Last Will & Testament.  A testator who requires special provisions for the creation of a trust, will be billed for the time spent to create those trust provisions, in addition to the above-noted fees, at the applicable Regular Hourly Rate.


A bundle package where a couple purchases both a Last Will and Testament and a Power of Attorney at the same time with the documents being mirrors of each other is charged as follows:

When added up, the total cost will be $1,425.00 plus HST.  This is a savings of $275.00 plus HST over purchasing the products separately.

To qualify for this pricing, the testators cannot include special provisions for the creation of a trust in the mirrored Last Wills & Testaments.  Testators who require special provisions for the creation of a trust, will be billed for the time spent to create those trust provisions, in addition to the above-noted fees, at the applicable Regular Hourly Rate.

To qualify for mirror pricing, the Last Wills & Testaments and the Powers of Attorney must truly reflect each other.  The same arrangements will be made in all documents for the appointment of executors, gifts, guardians, trust clauses, type of power of attorney, appointment of attorneys, appointment of monitors, and powers given to attorneys.


Disbursements and HST are not included in the fees listed below.  Be aware that disbursements make up a large portion of individual client invoices for real estate transactions.  We can provide written estimates upon request after completion of an intake call to provide a better idea of what the total invoice will cost.

We reserve the right to charge additional fees where mortgage instructions are received less than five business days prior to the scheduled closing, or where a mortgage lender other than Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto-Dominion Bank, Bank of Nova Scotia, Bank of Montreal, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, or National Bank is used.  The reasons for this policy are:





What is the "premium hourly rate" and when does it apply?

Our “premium hourly rate” is a rate applied to those clients who request immediate or expedited service (i.e., unscheduled appointments, after-hours services, or unscheduled telephone calls).  This will not appear as a surprise rate on your invoice and it will be discussed in advance with clients who are in danger of incurring it.  Please note that we cannot always accomodate immediate or expedited service.

Why would you charge a "premium hourly rate"?

The goal of the “premium hourly rate” is an experiment in managing client expectations.

In this modern era of nearly instantaneous communication in many service sectors, it is natural for clients to want to be able to instantly connect with their lawyer.  However, instant and unscheduled connection between client and lawyer can cause massive distraction and disruption to a lawyer’s schedule.  Distraction and disruption means that the lawyer cannot work as efficiently, resulting in everything taking longer.

By implementing a “premium hourly rate”, we are attempting to make clients think before deciding whether they really need that unscheduled contact and whether they really need to jump the queue to have their matter placed at the top of our to-do pile.

Most clients who are offered the opportunity to pay a premium rate for immediate service or after-hours service, in fact, decline the opportunity and, in doing so, realize that their issue is not so immediate after all and agree to wait their turn.

When the clients respect that all of our files are important and keep unscheduled contact with our lawyers to to emergencies only, we can generate paperwork more efficiently and help all clients faster.

Please note that in cases of true emergency for existing clients, we may consider waiving the “premium hourly rate” at our discretion as the goal of the rate is not to punish clients for emergencies beyond their control.

Why can't you tell me what your retainer is without an initial consult?

Without an initial consult, we really don’t know the scope of the work.  Larger jobs require larger retainers and smaller jobs require smaller retainers.  Clients who have not had an initial consult are frequently unaware of the scope of work required.  Frequently, a client’s idea of a simple job is not simple at all while their idea of a complex job is not nearly so complex as they believe.