Family Law

Kelly A. Driscoll Prof Corp is here to help you navigate your legal issues with compassion and empathy.  We can assist with:

We generally attempt to seek settlement of family law matters rather than resorting to court.  However, there are times when court proceedings cannot be avoided.   Though court should always be a last resort, our firm has significant experience in family law litigation.

Please see the Resources Page for helpful contacts, content, links and telephone numbers.


Do you do free consultations?

No. Office attendances are billed at our regularly hourly rate and are paid in advance. However, check out the resources page for information on how you can get some of your questions answered by a lawyer for free.

Do you do any pro bono or community work?

Our staff and lawyers try to give back to our community wherever possible. We actively support and volunteer our time at the Fredericton Legal Advice Clinic.

If I decide to hire your firm what is your retainer for family law services?

We like to meet with the client before deciding on what to ask for a retainer. More complicated files or high conflict files will require higher retainers. Less complicated files will not require as much. The only way to find out is through an initial interview with the client.

What documents should I bring to my initial consultation?

Please bring in two pieces of ID (one needs to have a photo). For the most reliable advice, please also bring in your last three years tax returns with all schedules attached, last three notices of assessment from Canada Revenue Agency, and two current paystubs from all sources of income (whether taxable or not). If you are seeking a divorce, you will also need to bring in your original marriage certificate.

I need you to talk to my children so they can tell you how horrible my ex is. Can I bring my child to the appointment?

Absolutely not. We work hard to keep children out of litigation and limit their exposure to one parent complaining about the other. For this reason, our office will not interview your child to see where she/he wants to live. Also, if you bring your child to the office and we see you talking negatively about your spouse in the presence of that child, we will be asking you to leave and to potentially find another lawyer. This kind of behavior is not acceptable and not in the best interest of children.